How NFL Contracts Favor Owners Over Players

Malcolm Gladwell and DeMaurice Smith discuss the topic, while Jay Glazer and Bill Simmons look at Colin Kaepernick’s protest on the latest ‘Any Given Wednesday’

Any Given Wednesday returned this week with an eye toward America’s most popular sport: NFL football. DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the NFL Player’s Association, spoke with Malcolm Gladwell and Bill Simmons about how the lack of guaranteed contracts affects the league’s players—and how the NFLPA has little leverage in negotiations. Is there any way for the players to shift the situation in their favor?

Smith and Gladwell on NFL Player Negotiations

Smith and Gladwell discuss NFL Guaranteed Contracts


Then, Bill Simmons sat down with Jay Glazer to talk about Colin Kaepernick’s protest. According to Glazer, only one color matters in NFL locker rooms: the silver of the Lombardi Trophy.

Jay Glazer and Bill Simmons on Colin Kaepernick

Finally, Bill Simmons said farewell to the retiring David Ortiz—and placed him on Boston’s post-1970 Mount Rushmore.

Bill’s Farewell to Big Papi’s Farewell

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