Plus, Kate, Amelia, and Kaya dive into ‘The Bachelorette’ on this week’s Cringe Mode

We caught up on some TV this week, like The Bachelor and Daisy Jones & the Six (1:00). Sofia Coppola’s daughter may be the internet’s newest favorite nepotism baby (20:36). This week’s Cringe Mode is The Bachelorette (33:05). And how exactly did Liam Payne’s jawline get so chiseled (51:18)?

Hosts: Kate Halliwell, Amelia Wedemeyer, and Kaya McMullen
Producer: Kaya McMullen

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In addition to her main role on the operations team, Kate Halliwell writes about pop culture and fandom, covering everything from K-pop to ‘The Great British Baking Show.’ She cohosted the ‘Tea Time’ and ‘Everything Is Cake’ podcasts and still pops up occasionally on ‘The Prestige TV Podcast’ and ‘Ringer Dish.’

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