The Masked Man Show

Solving the Real American Beer Problem! Plus, Oba Femi Joins to Talk About Winning the NXT Title, the Platinum Era, and More.

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About the episode

COLD-OPEN QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Would you go to a WWE show dressed up as Penta if you were getting free front-row seats (0:29)?

David and Kaz kick off the show by discussing whether the Rock is working fans and whether he will appear at WrestleMania (8:50). Then, they discuss the following:

Kenny Omega not going after the Elite in his return (23:00)
WWE’s reaction to Hulk Hogan getting booed during his Real American Beer promo (37:22)
SmackDown being the Jacob Fatu showcase (46:30)
Monday Night Raw preview (55:43)

Later, they welcome the brand-new NXT champion, Oba Femi, and he discusses the following:

Crossing paths with the Rock after winning the NXT title (67:32)
The NXT Platinum Era (67:34)
His relationship with Shawn Michaels and Matt Bloom (79:33)
Respect for Trick Williams (96:23)

Hosts: David Shoemaker and Kazeem Famuyide
Producer: Brian H. Waters